Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,210
June 15, 2024
Today we will take a departure from our usual magic trick newsletters and delve into a movie.
Wake-Up Callz is a low budget Science Fiction movie about aliens stealing earthling’s thoughts and memories. It is also where The Amazing Kreskin made his first starring appearance, as Doctor Dream.
It is not a great movie, but I have seen, and paid for much worse on Netflix and Prime. I would rate it as a 3/10 stars, the IMDB rates it at 4.7/10 stars, and Amazon has a rating of 4/5 stars.
I made a new trailer for the movie which focuses mostly on Kreskin’s appearances.
Take a look: HERE
I was able to acquire a bunch of the original DVDs and can sell them to you at one third of the original price. I think that Kreskin fans, collectors, and mentalists would get a kick out of it.
As a special bonus every purchase will include a Kreskin collectible from his personal archives.
►Wake-Up Callz:
The official description: When an evil entity disguised as a comet approaches Earth with the intent of uploading human memories that were stolen through video games, an agent from Allspace arrives to awaken a team of alien hybrid freedom fighters. Aided by Doctor Dream (The Amazing Kreskin), Kristaya Turner must abort the upload, and stop the Total Takeover of Earth by the Neural Nebula Network, before it’s too late…
Watch and buy: HERE
►Close-Up Connivery DVD:
This DVD features Dan Garrett performing and teaching the real-world, audience-tested routines straight from his working repertoire. All the routines focus on stand-up close-up and walk-around magic that require no tables.
Routines include: Pin-Demonium, Hand Sandwich, Signed Card To Pocket, O.H.S. Card Change, The Mouse That Roared, American Ninja Spellbound, and The Faustus Ring. Also includes explanations, variations, additional phases, and tips.
Watch and buy: HERE
I decided to continue the introductory sale prices on all of Dan Garrett’s magic until I am able to offer you many more of his tricks, books, and lecture notes.
Blake Vogt is a mad genius as far as creative paper folding for magic is concerned and I just received two of his most interesting products that continue to sell out.
►Number 4 Envelope:
This is an ingeniously constructed four-way-out envelope using an origami type fold that allows it to handle very cleanly and fairly.
The four compartments can be easily opened from the four sides of the envelope and each side can hold one or more playing cards.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Six Outs Mini:
This is a terrific design for a six-out revelation that is large enough to be seen on stage yet fits in your pocket.
It is made from tear-proof and waterproof Tyvek. It opens up to an 8.25”x5.25” sheet of paper and folds into quarters (2.5”x4” inches). You can easily open it to any one of the six outs with the exact same handling every time.
Ask your spectators any questions having 1 in 6 outcomes and watch their minds explode when you are correct every single time!
Watch and buy: HERE
►JUNE 16: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I think my trailer might be more fun than the movie, but it is up to you to decide.
“Too many of us have become like butterflies that are able to fly, but too fearful of making that first leap and flutter into the air, believing that we are still larvae that can only crawl to the nearest flower.”
…The Amazing Kreskin (Mental Power Is Real, 2006)