Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,163
December 23, 2023
Right before the world shut down a few years ago I started working on the idea of doing a series of “gigantic” card tricks for stage. Max Maven and I were excited at the time for a Gigantic B’Wave release. Unfortunately, the shutdown dried up all the sources and ended that possibility. But not before I was able to release my Gigantic Comedy Prediction.
I didn’t know how it was going to be received but to my surprise it turned out to be the single item that financially kept me going through that time. It just sold out for the second time and the third printing just arrived. If you missed out before or wanted spares I have them in stock. Not sure if I will be able to do a fourth printing.
►Gigantic Comedy Prediction:
This is an ideal stand-up routine with intrinsic situational comedy. Even if you are not a comedian the situational comedy that is built into the routine will always get you laughs.
But not just laughs… The magic is strong and there is even a duel reality ending where the spectator and the audience experience two different effects and both are impactful!
Watch and buy: HERE
►Dusheck’s Diminishing Cards:
This is one of Steve Dusheck’s favorite creations and one of the routines he always performed. He partnered with Steve Shufton to create this improved version of his Diminishing Cards.
Here is what Steve Dusheck had to say about this version:
“Steve Shufton printed and die-cut a set of the cards and sent it to me. Not only were they perfect, but he corrected the problem I mentioned… I created a lot of good tricks over the years, and even a few great ones. My Diminishing Card trick made by Steve is one of the great tricks. The list of my five favorite tricks has changed over the years. Now my five favorite tricks are tricks I created. This version of the Diminishing Cards is on the list. I think it will be one of your favorites too.”
Watch and buy: HERE
I was recently able to get a few out-of-print books that you might want. They are classics that helped shape a generation of magicians.
►Magic By Misdirection:
This is the third volume in the famed series by Dariel Fitzkee that guides us on how to become better magicians and entertainers.
Magic By Misdirection applies the psychology of deception to the art of magic and discusses the psychological devices and methods you can use to deceive your audience.
Get a copy: HERE
►The Trick Brain:
This is the second volume in the famed series by Dariel Fitzkee that guides us on how to become better magicians and entertainers.
The Trick Brain was created as a tool to help magicians develop new tricks. It teaches you how to create the mechanics of an effect with the understanding that how an effect is accomplished is not as important as the effect itself.
Get a copy: HERE
►Quadruple Spellbound:
Originally created in the 1970s and first published in the 1980s, this was one of Simon Aronson’s favorite routines, that he always carried with him and performed often.
The basic effect: You show an American half dollar. You wave your hand over it, and it changes into a Japanese coin with a hole through it. Wave your hand over the Japanese coin and it changes into a copper English penny. Wave your hand over the penny and it changes into an African coin with a hole in it. As a finale, the African coin changes back into the American half dollar.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Sunday Jan 14: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: One of the reasons the Gigantic sold better than expected is that a lot of pros kept buying extra sets…2, 3, 4…
“Any author can argue that his latest book is timely, and reasons can be brought forward by the wagon-load to support the point.”
…Hugh Miller (Al Koran’s Legacy, 1972)