Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #980
December 4, 2021
More live events are popping up for me this month. Monday night I will be joining one of my oldest friends in magic, Jeff McBride, on his weekly Mystery School Monday series, then on the 12th I will be back at the Mohegan Sun Casino and on the 18th, I will be part of the 24 Karat Close-Up show at the Sparta Ave Stage. Links below.
I finally put the final touches on a project I have been working on for a while and hope to have it available before the end of the month. I will make the official announcement on Jeff’s show on Monday.
The response to the last two Cinimod products I introduced you to were much better than I expected so today I will introduce you to two more classic magic tricks that were huge during the last century. Keep in mind that these are limited inventory collectibles that have been in storage for around 40 years!
►Double X:
This is a classic routine that was one of the best sellers at magic shops for decades. It is easy, visual, and impossible.
The basic routine is a transposition where you show or borrow a dime and a penny. The dime is placed in your fist and the penny on the back of your palm. When the penny is tapped with a pen it visually changes into a dime. The penny is then found in your fist where the dime just was, and everything is examinable. Can also be performed in the spectator’s hand.
Watch & Buy: HERE
►Tri Color Ropes:
This is a version of the classic Rainbow Ropes routine where you show red, white, and blue ropes. You tie them together forming a long tri-colored rope with two knots. You wrap the rope around your fist and let a spectator pull it out of your fist. Amazingly the knots have disappeared, and the tri-colored rope melded into a single red, white, and blue rope that is examinable.
Watch & Buy: HERE
►Flash Card Prediction:
This is a very visual revelation of a selected card.
You place a prediction envelope in full view, before having a card selected. After the selection process you open the envelope and show a framed postcard that says, “This Is Your Card.”
In a blink of an eye the postcard visually changes into the selected card and both the frame and card can be shown on both sides.
Watch & Buy: HERE
Wanted to remind you that the introductory price to Larry Becker’s Standing Ovation video download expires on Tuesday.
►Standing Ovation:
Larry Becker is an internationally acclaimed mentalist, author and inventor.
On this video you will witness a live show where Larry performs some of his most jaw-dropping mental magic, highlighted with a new version of his reputation making Russian Roulette. You will then be taught the routines that have gained him worldwide acclaim.
Routines performed and explained: Tri-Coinetic, Visual Aid, Phantasm Supreme, Here, There & Everywhere, Some Total-Stage, and Russian Roulette (Performance only).
Watch & Buy: HERE
►Upcoming Live Appearances:
►Dec 6 at 10pm NY Time: I will be appearing on Jeff McBride’s Mystery School Monday. It’s free but you must sign up: HERE / or you can watch on facebook for free: HERE
►Dec 12: Performing at Comix @ the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut.
►Dec 18: Performing in the 24 Karat Close-Up show at the Sparta Ave Stage in New Jersey.
For all tour dates go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: We never gave anyone else permission to sell the Larry Becker videos. This is the only legal and authorized version.