Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #896
January 16, 2021
Around a month ago Kreskin gave me a copy of his latest book. It is a fun book that is basically a graphic novel that is interspersed with stories and highlights from his career.
I asked him if he would be willing to autograph a bunch of copies for all of you and he agreed. A case was ordered and signed and now you can have your very own hand-autographed Kreskin book. This is a very limited edition. Coincidentally they were all signed on his 86th birthday.
He also told me that he is planning on doing some Zoom shows next month. More info as far as dates, times, and prices will be posted on his facebook page. This could be your only chance to watch and interact with a living legend.
►The Adventures of the Amazing Kreskin:
This is a fun book that is an easy read. It reads like a superhero origin story, memoire, and graphic novel, with some lighthearted adventures that Kreskin experienced throughout his career.
First Edition. Published by Thought Work Books in 2020. Written by Kreskin with comic artwork by Howie Noel.
Get one now, get one: HERE
A few weeks ago, I introduced you to the autographed copies I got of the Jack Carpenter and Jamie Masterson booklet. It sold out within hours. I just got my second shipment which is autographed by Jamie.
►Shadow & Shake:
The video trailer will show you what the effect is. It is basically a major visual and fooling advancement on the classic “The Last Trick of Dr. Jacob Daily,” by Jack Carpenter and Jamie Masterson, where the red aces change places with the black aces.
Here is what Jack Carpenter wrote in the Introduction: “This visually explosive extrapolation never fails to evoke audible gasps with lay audiences and is one of the most satisfying sequences I perform.”
Watch & Buy: HERE
Back In Stock:
• Tamariz Magic Way: HERE
• Tamariz Mnemonica: HERE
• Tamariz Magic Rainbow: HERE
• Tamariz Verbal Magic: HERE
Stay Safe, Meir
PS: Was very sad to hear of the passing of two influential legends in magic. Both had an incredible impact on everything we do. Both Siegfried Fischbacker and David Roth will not be forgotten.
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