MT: November 5-11, 2001

VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,407 / Monday – November 5, 2001
Brett Daniels, Tony Clark, Dale Salwak, Nick Lewin, Rich Bloch, The Hammers, and Derek Scott starred in the 2001 edition of “It’s Magic” at the Alex Theatre in Glendale, CA on Nov. 4. Milt Larsen is quoted in the Los Angeles Times about the importance of bringing magic into our lives, “The show satisfies the need to escape to the never-never land of wonderment. That’s what we do.” To read the Nov. 3 article by Joyce Rudolph click: HERE.(11/5)

Bradley Fields’ Magic Theatre & Illusion appears at the Center for the Arts at River Ridge in St. Petersburg, FL on Nov. 11 and is previewed in the St. Petersburg Times. To read the Nov. 2 article by Barbara L. Fredricksen titled “Night of magic at Center for the Arts” click: HERE.(11/5)

Whit Haydn, Michael Vincent, Gazzo, Dana Daniels, Fenik, John Shryock, and Monique appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Nov. 5-11. Jamy Ian Swiss lectures on Sunday Nov. 11.(11/5)

EAST COAST: Mark Elsdon lectures through the East Coast in November with stops in Buffalo, NY (Nov. 5), Rochester, NY (6), New York City (9 –IBM 26), Greenbrook NJ (12 –SAM 161), Philadelphia, PA (13), Baltimore, MD (14 –Denny & Lee), Silver Spring, MD (15 –Barry’s Magic), Tallahassee, FL (16), and Orlando, FL (18).(11/5)
Joe Kardwell, producer of “Magic At The Roxy,” with Shimada and Bob Dorian who performed on the 1976 TV special with David Copperfield, Richard Ross, Carl Ballantine, and The Amazing Randi. Peter Graves hosted the show. (Photo: MagicTimes).(11/5)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,408 / Tuesday – November 6, 2001
The highly hyped movie “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s [Sorcerer’s] Stone” was previewed in London on Nov. 4 and it seems to be a major hit — even the reviewers liked it. A Reuters story reported that “media pundits were unanimous in their praise of the film that had its debut before a star-studded audience in London’s West End.” The article quotes a Sun reviewer, “…the film lived up to its hype and would keep families under its spell for years to come.” The movie officially opens on Friday Nov. 16. To read the Nov. 5 review by Karen Matusic titled “Critics give thumbs up to ‘magic’ Harry Potter” click: HERE.(11/6)

MARYLAND: MotionFest East takes place on Nov. 8-11 at the Best Western Hotel and Convention Center in Baltimore. The event is a gathering of performance artists and features workshops on comedy, magic, juggling, circus, voice, and the business of being a performer. For more information click: HERE.(11/6)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,409 / Wednesday – November 7, 2001
Sav who performs close-up magic in bars and at parties is featured in the Evening Standard where he explains his sales strategy, “Whenever I meet a new client, I ask if I can show a few tricks. Normally, they’re a bit coy and say it might not be appropriate in the office. But by the end of the meeting, we’ll normally have half the office round the desk.” The article also describes his basic routine, “Sav produces a flaming cigarette from thin air. He proceeds to run through a set of increasingly impressive card tricks before climaxing with his coin-spinning trick, in which a 10p is made to hover in mid-air. By the end of the set, both women are drop-jawed, delighted and demanding more. But Sav has moved on.” To read the Nov. 5 article by Ben Rowell titled “A Day In The Life Of A Bar Magician” click: HERE.(11/7)

A movie about legendary sideshow performer/magician “Johnny Eck” and his twin brother Robert might star Leonardo DiCaprio. To read the Nov. 6 Variety article by Michael Fleming titled “DiCaprio doubles up for freak film” click: HERE.(11/7)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,410 / Thursday – November 8, 2001
The 7th Los Angeles Conference On Magic History runs this week with more that 200 registrants from around the world in attendance. The guest speakers this year are: Glen David Gold (Carter Beats The Devil), Richard Hatch (Erdnase’s identity), David Stahl (The Great Lafayette), Bill McIlhany (1927 play The Spider), John Zweers (Floyd Thayer), Phil Schwartz (Thayer Magic), Earl Nelson (Sleight-of-hand), Todd Karr (Chung Ling Soo), Anne Davenport (St. Georges Hall), Bill Schmeelk (What you see is not what you get), Tim Wright (Abbott’s Magic), Diego Domingo (early radio mentalists), Tihany (his long career). The event usually culminates with some special talks and performances. This year the closers are: Jim Steinmeyer performing Guy Jarrett illusions, Gary Hunt talks about Fasola, Tina Lenart and Mike Caveney perform Walter Jeans’ Million Dollar Mystery, and John Gaughan will perform Buatier DeKolta’s legendary Expanding Die. The conference is by invitation only and will be held on Nov. 8-10.(11/8)

Ricky Jay & His 52 Assistants running in Harvard Square is reviewed in Aisle Say where they comment, “…what’s true is simply that when confronted by a master closeup magician, you can’t believe your eyes — or your ears.” To read the Nov. 7 review by Will Stackman click: HERE.(11/8)

The Shanghai International Magic Festival and Competition is reported in a Shanghai Daily News article where they quote Bian Faji, “the competition is the largest-ever in China, featuring 37 performers from China, and 23 international artistes from the United States, Portugal, Japan, Belgium, Canada, and Germany.” To read the Nov. 7 article titled “Magic wands waving” click: HERE.(11/8)

Penn & Teller’s show at the Rio in Las Vegas is called “the most literate show in Las Vegas” in a Las Vegas Review-Journal article. To read the Nov. 7 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Duo deliver intelligent fun” click: HERE.(11/8)

The SYM (Society of Young Magicians) in Missouri will be giving a benefit on Nov. 17 featuring Chris Smith, Christopher Smith, Sarah McPhail, Clayton Clark, Kyle Scheel, and Anthony Sosna. A Kansas City Star article reported that “The event will feature a traditional turkey dinner, magic presentations at each table from professional members of the Society of American Magicians and a magic show performed by youth magicians from the Greater Kansas City area.” To read the Nov. 7 article by Nicole Gull titled “Young magicians group to stage benefit” click: HERE.(11/8)

CALIFORNIA: Steve Draun lectures for the Misdirections Magic Shop on Thursday Nov. 8 at 7:30pm. Lecture will be held at the Fort Mason Center (Building C-Room 370) in San Francisco. For more information phone: 415-566-2180.(11/8)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,411 / Friday – November 9, 2001
Paul Kieve is one of the most sought after magic consultants in Europe with many shows under his belt. This month two major shows he created magic for will begin their run. “Celebration” produced by Holiday On Ice opens in Switzerland this week and will tour through Europe for the next three years. Kieve made it possible for the cast to appear and disappear while on ice skates. The musical version of “Alice In Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass” opens on Nov. 13 at the Barbican theatre London and is staged by the Royal Shakespeare Company. Kieve designed the magical moments in the show and the entire “Down The Rabbit Hole” sequence. The show will run for four weeks and then move to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre for a three-month run.(11/9)

Yves Doumergue, Laurent Beretta and Infantino have been added to the already strong lineup of talent for Magic on Manhattan on Saturday Nov. 17 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. This year’s Guest of Honor is Charles Reynolds. A good time to visit New York as the convention hotel has just lowered the room rates by $50. For more information click: HERE.(11/9)

The new David Mamet movie the “Heist” opens on Friday and co-stars Ricky Jay as a con man. As a tie-in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran a story comparing Mamet and Jay, “David Mamet is to direction what Ricky Jay is to mis-direction.” Both men are featured with brief bios. Jay compares magic and acting techniques, “An actor uses any technique he can to get the performance he needs, which in a way is fooling the audience… He relies on secret techniques the way a magician does.” To read the Nov. 8 article by Duane Duek titled “Jack of all charades Jay has mastered the art of deception” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(11/9)

Lance Burton and Siegfried & Roy will perform at the “Las Vegas Salutes the Spirit of America” benefit to be held on Veterans Day, Sunday Nov. 11 at the Mandalay Bay Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas. All proceeds from the sold-out show will go to the USO. Non-magicians scheduled to appear include Wayne Newton, Clint Holmes, Bill Acosta, Bob Anderson, The Scintas, Earl Turner, and Frank Scinta. For more information click: HERE.(11/9)

According to a Page Six article David Blaine and Naomi Campbell were seen “cozying up to canoodle in a corner” at a Beverly Hills party. To read the Nov. 8 article by Richard Johnson titled “Pure magic” click: HERE.(11/9)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,412 / Saturday – November 10, 2001
Ricky Jay’s latest ventures are the subject of a Los Angeles Times story which states, “Ricky Jay may be best known for his card tricks, but these days he’s performing something of a cultural hat trick, appearing in three venues at the same time.” The article refers to his co-starring roll in the “Heist,” his book “Jay’s Journal of Anomalies” and his current show in Boston. Asked which of his vocations he loves most Jay responded, “I suppose a life without a deck of cards would be a life not worth living.” The article also offers information about his new show, “A new production, ‘Ricky Jay on Broadway,’ is slated to open in New York next spring. Once again Mamet will be at the helm, and the only co-stars will be Jay’s ever-reliable, ubiquitous ‘assistants’ –his playing cards.” To read the Nov. 9 article by Ellen Baskin titled “A Neat Trick, That” click: HERE.(11/10)

Torkova, Rich Marotta, Rocco, Todd Robbins, Asi Wind, Michael Chaut, and Frank Brents appear at Monday Night Magic on Nov. 12 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(11/10)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,413 / Sunday – November 11, 2001
Walter “Zaney” Blaney is featured in a Kingwood Observer story where they chronicle his career and his many credits, “From ‘The Tonight Show,’ starring Johnny Carson to ‘The Dinah Shore Show’ to ‘The Bob Hope Christmas Show’ among so many others, Blaney kept their audiences in awe and in stitches with his logic defying illusions and plain old prestidigitation.” The article points out that through his 50+ year career, “Blaney’s grace and professionalism never fail to captivate his audience. Regardless of where you are from or how old you may be, his magic and illusions are timeless.” To read the Nov. 9 article by Ray Prichard titled “Kingwood is home to a world class magician” click: HERE.(11/11)

Melvin Burkhart, “The Human Blockhead,” who died on Nov. 1 at the age of 94 is featured in the Tampa Tribune where they point out, “Tampa Bay area lost the best-known link left to a time when human sideshows were revered for their freakish feats.” To read the Nov. 10 obituary by Ben Feller titled “‘Human Blockhead’ Left Lasting Impression” click: HERE.(11/11)

Melvin Burkhart who died on Thursday at the age of 94 is profiled in an Associated Press obituary which quotes his son, “He taught me how to be a rich man… He said a rich man is someone who can make one person smile everyday. If I can be half the man my father has been, I will be a great man.” To read the Nov. 10 obituary click: HERE.(11/11)

Steve Draun,  Jamy Ian Swiss, Joe Monti, John Shryock, Peter Tappan,Mallory Lewis, Kenneth Havard, and Jim Skaggs appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Nov. 12-18. Steve Draun lectures on Sunday Nov. 18.(11/11)
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