MT: October 22-28, 2001

VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,393 / Monday – October 22, 2001
Ricky Jay’s show, which opens in Cambridge on Saturday for five weeks, is previewed in the Boston Phoenix. Jay discusses his mentors Dai Vernon and Charlie Miller and also talks about the artistry of sleight of hand, “I don’t know if anyone would think that sleight of hand would be nearly the same [as dance], but certainly there is a choreography that takes place. It’s beyond the hand, in the way the body moves and uses gesture to misdirect attention.” He also spoke of his presentations, “I am serious, yet I try to make the material entertaining, whether it’s the show or the book. I don’t have much tolerance for academic works that are unreadable.” To read the Oct. 18-25 article by Iris Fanger titled “52 pick-up Ricky Jay comes to Cambridge” click: HERE.(10/22)

John Carney, Amos Levkovitch, Rich Bloch, Lee Davis, Mark Haslam, Randall Richman, Jerry Layne, and Steve Kissell appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Oct. 22-28. Steve Kissell lectures on Sunday Oct. 28.(10/22)

David Seebach is interviewed about the current state of magic in a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article. To read the Oct. 20 article titled “Magician’s thrills more exciting than Lucas’ films” click: HERE.(10/22)

John Ernst Eichler from New Jersey who died in the World Trade Center attack is described as a magician in his obituary where his son recounted, “One of his tricks… was to turn a single foam bunny into five. Asked why he used foam bunnies instead of real ones, Eichler told his son, ‘I tried it once and lost my rabbit.'” To read the Oct. 21 Associated Press article titled “Some of the victims of the terrorist attacks” click: HERE.(10/22)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,394 / Tuesday – October 23, 2001
Tannen’s 39th Magic Jubilee will take place in a couple of weeks. This year’s guest of honor is the legendary Shimada who will perform his now classic dove act. Expected to steal the convention is one of Italy’s leading illusionists Erix Logan, who will make his first US convention appearance at Tannens. Tony Spina told MagicTimes that “We are very excited about Erix Logan and his large scale illusion show, ‘Illusions To Believe,’ the 45-minute show will stun you.” Also booked for the event are, Steve Draun, Jay Sankey, Ice McDonald, Todd Robbins, Norman Beck, Dan Kole, Todd Charles, Danny Archer, David Garrity, Skippy, The Magic Garsetti, Garret Thomas and a few surprises. The convention takes place on Nov. 2-4 at Kutcher’s Country Club in Monticello, NY. For more information or registrations phone: 212-929-4500 or click: HERE.(10/23)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,395 / Wednesday – October 24, 2001
The Houdini auction at the Swann Galleries in New York City on Oct. 30 is the subject of a Forbes article where they describe magic collecting, “Magic books and magic paraphernalia have been collected for hundreds of years, though interest was long limited to bibliophiles and magicians. With the rise of the professional magician-performer in the late 19th century, however, magic gained a broader appeal. First advertising posters, and then board games and tricks, were mass-produced for a national entertainment audience. Today, artifacts of that period have become hot collectibles.” Magicians mentioned in the article are Doug Edwards and Ken Trombly. The article also reproduces some nice magic posters and photos and gives an overview on magic collecting. To read the Oct. 24 article by Anna  Rohleder titled “Connoisseur’s Guide: Magic Picks” click: HERE.(10/24)

Steve Bargatze, “Big Daddy Cool,” Margarette LeClair, and Larry Wirtz present a special show to benefit the children of the firefighters and police officers killed in the Sept. 11 attacks. The show is being hosted by City Road Chapel UMC in Nashville, TN on Friday Oct. 26 at 7:30pm. Admission will be in the form of a donation at the door.(10/24)

A second article in Forbes by Anna Rohleder titled “Piece of the Week: Heads Up!” centers around the career of Harry Kellar and displays some of his posters. To read it click: HERE.(10/24)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,396 / Thursday – October 25, 2001
A Houdini Séance commemorating the 75th Anniversary of his death will be held at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI on Oct. 31 at 8pm. Participating the séance will be Sid Radner, Marie Blood, Jim Auer, Dr. Morris Young, Reverend Ray Fraser, and Wendy Fraser-Bailey. Radner commented, “If Houdini were able to make contact, this is the group who would know.” The séance will be open to the public with a low admission price of $9.55 per person, which will be donated to charity. To read the Oct. 24 press release titled “Official Harry Houdini Seance on Halloween, Wednesday, October 31 At Henry Ford Museum’s Anderson Center Theater” click: HERE.(10/25)

Andre Kole performs in Kochi, India on Oct 27-28. A Times of India article reported that “…Kole who had performed in over 76 countries in the last 38 years, would perform in Thiruvanthapuram and Kottayam, besides Kochi.” To read the Oct. 25 article titled “Magician Andre Kole to perform in Kochi” click: HERE.(10/25)

David A. Wargo who is the president of the Allentown Society of Magicians is running to Mayor of Summit Hill, PA. To read the Oct. 24 Morning Call article by Chris Parker titled “Summit Hill has clear differences in mayoral race” click: HERE.(10/25)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,397 / Friday – October 26, 2001
Dick Barry is featured in a Los Angeles Times article which coincides with his appearance with J.C. Dunn and Jim Kahlert in “An Evening of Magic” on Saturday at the Homestead Museum in Industry, CA. The show is described as “a celebration of sleight-of-hand and parlor magic that became famous in the 19th century.” Barry talks about the popularity of magic, Right now, magic is a very hot thing. Now you have guys like [David] Copperfield, Siegfried and Roy. Lance Burton is a wonderful magician. David Blaine, he is out there doing street magic. I love to look at the reaction of the people [to his magic].” To read the Oct. 25 article by Susan King titled “Trickster Dick Barry Reveals What He’s Got Up His Sleeve” click: HERE.(10/26)

Ricky Jay is profiled in Town Online as part of the promotion for his upcoming show at the Market Theater in Cambridge, MA. The article points out, “…acting, as Jay will quickly tell you, is merely a hobby, albeit one he enjoys tremendously. His real passion, the one thing that he’s been consumed by since the age of four, is magic — specifically sleight of hand with playing cards.” Jay also talks about his childhood and his early career. To read the Oct. 22 article by Ed Symkus titled “Ricky Jay’s calling cards” click: HERE.(10/26)

A North Korea magic association was founded on Wednesday Oct. 24  whose purpose is to “contribute to the development of the country’s magic and to foster ties with magicians around the world.” To read the Oct 25 Reuters article titled “North Korea Conjures Up Magic Circle” click: HERE.(10/26)

Micah Lasher’s new career as a political consultant is the subject of a Washington Square News article. The article traces his career so far and quotes a number of his colleagues about his many talents. To read the Oct. 25 article by Jonathan Feldman titled “NYU students aid Green mayoral bid” click: HERE.(10/26)

The Oct. 30 Houdini auction at the Swann Auction Galleries is mentioned in an Ananova article. To read the Oct 25 article titled “Houdini’s belongings to be auctioned in New York” click: HERE.(10/26)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,398 / Saturday – October 27, 2001
“Ricky Jay and His 52 Assistants” opens today in Cambridge, MA and both major Boston newspapers ran features about Jay and his show. The Boston Globe described him as, “Ricky Jay has devoted his life to the art of playing cards. And he’s gotten very, very good. So good, in fact, that some call him the best sleight-of-hands artist of our time.” Jay is quoted about rehearsing, ”This is not a painful penance. To sit down with a deck of cards for eight hours a day is a joy.” In the Boston Herald Jay mentions one of his pet peeves, “There’s a long association of magic as children’s entertainment… which I have to say I resent. I hate to have my life’s work written off as something created for a birthday party.” To read the Oct. 26 Boston Globe article by Catherine Foster titled “Sleight-of-hand magic only part of Jay’s bag of tricks” click: HERE.
–To read the Oct. 26 Boston Herald article by Terry Byrne titled “Master of illusion: Riveting Ricky Jay delights adults with tricks of the trade” click: HERE.(10/27)

Ken Krenzel was the guest of honor at the New York University Magic Club’s annual Great Magicians Series on Thursday Oct. 25. Speakers and performers who appeared were Sol Stone, Jamy Ian Swss, Albert Lasher, Doug McKenzie, David Condon, Marc Kissel, and Jeremy Medows.(10/27)

Harry Houdini and the Official Houdini Séance are the subject of an ABC News story where they interview Rev. Raymond Fraser who said, “I think the chances to make a connection this time are excellent. We have friends and family of Houdini who will join the séance and they will create the necessary spiritual vibrations. …I have spoken to many spirits. I have a 70 percent success rate.” To read the Oct. 26 article by Buck Wolf titled “Calling Houdini’s Ghost” click: HERE.(10/27)

Will Shaw, Torkova, Rich Marotta, John Stetson, Simon  Lovell, Andy Roberts and Jeff Lee appear at Monday Night Magic on Oct. 29 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(10/27)

CANADA: Rick Fisher presents his “Magic For The Fun Of It” lecture for IBM Ring #17, Hat & Rabbit Magic Club, on Thursday Nov. 1at 7:30pm in Toronto. For more information click: HERE.(10/27)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,399 / Sunday – October 28, 2001
Lance Burton performs an upside-down straitjacket escape on Monday Oct. 29 in Las Vegas as part of the U.S. Postal Service’s unveiling of the new Harry Houdini stamp which will be officially issued in July 2002 at the 100th anniversary celebration of the Society of Magicians in New York City. Joining Burton at the event will be Tony Curtis who starred as Houdini in the 1953 classic movie of the same name. The event takes place at the Lance Burton Theatre at the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino at 1pm and admission is free.(10/28)

Darren Romeo is rumored to be working up a deal with Andrew Lloyd Webber. According to a Las Vegas Sun article “…Webber, one of Romeo’s longtime idols, met the singer at The Mirage post-dinner and played a handful of new, original songs for Romeo on a piano in a private lounge area. Siegfried & Roy were also reportedly involved in the impromptu pitch session.” To read the Oct. 26 article by Kate Maddox titled “Webber no phantom of the Strip” click: HERE.(10/28)

Glen David Gold’s Carter Beats the Devil is reviewed in the Irish Times where they offer, “…in the finest traditions of magic, his timing and touch are immaculate as he creates one of the most diverting reads of the year, a book that intrigues and consumes attention with the ease of a master illusionist.” To read the Oct. 27 review by Joe Breen titled “A Magical Whodunit” click: HERE.(10/28)

Jamy Ian Swiss, Michael Vincent, Terry Seabrooke, Tom Ogden, Steve Dacri, The Gleasons, and Joshua Seth appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Oct. 29-Nov. 4. Michael Vincent lectures on Sunday Nov. 4.(10/28)
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