#1 – MUSES [1/2/96]

Playing Card Exhibition – Dec. 2, 1995 to Feb. 4, 1996:

Play Your Cards! is the name of an exhibit at the Bruce Museum (1 Museum Drive, Greenwich, CT 06830). The exhibit features The Stuart and Marilyn R. Kaplan Playing Card Collection which includes thousands of different types of cards, games and related paraphernalia.

Among the tens-of-thousands of cards on display there were many beautiful and rare transformation decks, advertising decks, game decks, special decks, theme decks, and an extensive collection of Tarot and Tarock decks. The cards which stood out for me were the very rare Apache Indian decks from the 1800’s, they were hand drawn on rawhide and used the Spanish suites of the time: Swords, Coins, Clubs and Cups.

I was also fascinated by something that I never knew existed. That was the Napoleonic P.O.W. Bone Boxes. During the Napoleonic Wars (1802-1814) an estimated 120,000 French prisoners of war were held in England. They were allowed to manufacture and sell articles to townspeople at weekly prison markets. Using beef and other animal bones along with vegetable dyes they created beautiful ship models, tea caddies, storage chests with drawers, miniature furniture, miniature guillotines, etc… They also created stunning Chess sets, Domino sets and playing card boxes and of course playing cards made out of bone. Kaplan managed to collect 47 different boxes with cards, Dominoes, Cribbage etc… and they are all on display. Breathtaking!

In addition to the bone boxes they also made similar items out of straw plait (which are on display), which reminded me of Tim Felix’s magic tricks made out of toothpicks which were featured in the September 1994 issue of M A G I C. Are there any magic props or puzzle boxes made during that era? There must have been magicians among the P.O.W.’s.

If you are interested in this type of stuff the Bruce Museum in conjunction with U.S. Games Systems, Inc. has produced an impressive 96-page color catalog which features many of the items on display (You can get the catalog directly from them or from me for $20 plus $3.50 postage). Stuart Kaplan, by the way is the owner of U.S. Games Systems, Inc. which markets many games and cards – they also print the decks of cards for my Smiling Assassin trick.

Since I layout Harry Lorayne’s Apocalypse I am the first to know what goes into each issue. Now you can have that same information. The January 1996 issue contains: David Regal’s Amazing Commute (Cards), Francis Tabary’s Double Ring Through (Ring & Rope), Gary Plants’ An Ace Per Shuffle (Cards), Doug Edwards’ Si’s Places (Cards), J.K. Hartman’s Word Wise (Mentalism), Richard Vollmer’s Location/Placement/Prediction (Cards), Robert L. Brooks’ To Materialize (Cards). Plus: Apocalypse Variations Or Additions, and Ellipses(…).

Here is where I will be. Come by and say hi.

January 9 – London, England.
January 10-14 – The Magic Hands Convention in Sindelfingen, Germany. I will have a dealer’s booth and will be performing 12 close-up shows.
January 18-21 – Gathering For Gardner II in Atlanta, Georgia.

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