MT: May 7-13, 2001

VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,225 / Monday – May 7, 2001
Max Maven has been booked to present his show every Tuesday in June at 8pm at the Alterknit Lounge in The Knitting Factory (7021 Hollywood Blvd.) in Los Angeles. The Knitting Factory regularly streams their live shows on the web — we will let you know if that happens. Shows are only $10 per person and tickets should be available for sale next week by phoning: 323-463-0204.(5/7)

Jenny Alexander who’s contract with Naked Angeles/Hot Trix at the Plaza in Las Vegas was just extended indefinitely was mentioned in the May issue of the Casino Player as “…a relatively unknown talent who may have a big future elsewhere in Las Vegas. This is a name to remember!”(5/7)

An obituary of Johnny Brown who died on Apr. 21 at the age of 75 appeared in The Dallas Morning News where Mrs. Brown was quoted, “He loved magic, and he brought tremendous joy to people… He got genuine satisfaction from that.” To read the May 6 obituary by Rae DeShong titled “Magician Johnny Brown dies” click: HERE.(5/7)
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,226 / Tuesday – May 8, 2001
Ashley Springer is featured in the June/July issue of Teen People magazine. Springer is quoted, “Magic is a performing art where an incredible amount of work goes into perfecting a trick that will be over [in a second]. When you put it all together and show it to somebody, that’s what’s really great.” We also find out that the main reason he got into magic was to overcome his shyness and that he is currently working on a new act which will combine magic with acting which is what he is majoring in at the prestigious New York University. The story by Michelle Hainer appears on page 108, as a success story, and is titled “Magic Man.”(5/8)

Steve Wyrick presents a special cocktail reception and magic show to benefit Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Nevada on May 12 at the Sahara. According to a Las Vegas Review-Journal article, “Wyrick is a former Little Brother who was matched for two years to a volunteer who encouraged his interest in magic.” To read the May 6 article titled “Wyrick magic show to benefit youth program” click: HERE.(5/8)

Melinda reads part of her book “Fireflies” for children at the Cartwright Elementary School as part of their Celebrity Reader Program. To see the May 6 Las Vegas Review-Journal photos by Ralph Fountain and read the feature titled “Sharing The Magic Of Reading” click: HERE.(5/8)
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,227 / Wednesday – May 9, 2001
Penn & Teller have been named as the recipients of the Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award, which will be presented to them on Friday May 18 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. The award was established in 1979 to honor “…individuals who have made significant contributions to protect and enhance First Amendment rights of Americans.” The main reason Penn & Teller are receiving the award is for their “Flag Burning” routine which talks about the importance of the first amendment and the Bill of Rights. The exact wording of the award describes the reason as, “…comedians and magicians who have threaded their work with serious messages to educate nontraditional and often unsuspecting audiences about the value of the First Amendment’s protections.” In addition to the plaque they will also receive $5,000. The ceremony will benefit The Creative Coalition. To read the May 8 press release by The Playboy Foundation titled “Playboy Foundation Announces Winners of 2001 Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Awards” click: HERE.(5/9)

Chris Capehart, Alton Knight, Puck, and  Ran’D Shine will present their show titled “La Magie Noire: A showcase of African American Magicians” on Saturday May 12 at 6pm at the African American Museum (701 Arch street) in Philadelphia, PA. Admission is $20 per person. For more information click: HERE.(5/9)
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,228 / Thursday – May 10, 2001
Similarities between magic and games of chance are analyzed in the May issue of the Casino Player. A typical example is given with the game of “three card monte” where the author explains, “Legitimate gamblers and magicians hate to admit it, but three-card monte is both. It’s a modern-day example of an ancient game (and style of gaming) that was common before science, probability, and regulators constrained gambling to the casino and magic to the theater. …Magic in ancient times was mostly used for profit or psychological advantage, rather than entertainment.” Further examples are given using Dedi’s decapitation story in 2600 BC, a man doing a version of the cups and balls during the third century in Athens and several other examples and historical quotes. This very interesting article written by Basil Nestor, titled “Magic & Gambling” appears on page 128.(5/10)

A new Japanese play about magicians attending a magic convention in Germany opened at the Parco Theater in Tokyo. The play, titled Natsu Hoteru (Hotel Sommer in German), it has been getting a lot of local press because it stars Koshiro Matsumoto, a very popular Japanese actor, whose co-stars are his two daughters. According to a Daily Yomiuri review “The kabuki star [Matsumoto] even pulls off a few magic tricks deftly and confidently.” The play runs through May 27. To read the May 5 story by Yukiko Kishinami titled “Iwamatsu casts spell on human relationships in new production” click: HERE.(5/10)

Ricky McLeod locked himself in a pair of old handcuffs he picked up at a dealers booth during the Scottish Association of Magic Societies convention and could not get himself released until the fire department got involved. According to the Scottish Daily Record “…although he was surrounded by nearly 200 of the best magicians in Scotland, none of them had the sleight of hand to get the cuffs to budge.” To read the May 10 story titled “A Sleight Problem” click: HERE.(5/10)

MARYLAND: John Calvert lectures on Sunday May 13 at Denny & Lee’s Magic Studio (325 South Marlyn Avenue) in Baltimore. For more information phone: 410-686-3914.(5/10)
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,229 / Friday – May 11, 2001
David Jackson Willis who wrote and directed the short film, “The Disappearing Girl Trick” has been accepted into the 2001 Seattle International Film Festival. The film, which was shot at the Magic Castle, is dedicated to its co-founder Milt Larsen. The story revolves around a reporter who goes undercover, as a magician’s assistant in order to expose the illusions but what she finds out is not what she expected. The screening takes place on May 31 at 9:30pm at the Broadway Performance Hall (1625 Broadway at East Pine) in Seattle. For more information click: HERE.(5/11)

Jerry Camaro died on Monday May 7 at the age of 54. He was a very talented close-up magician who specialized in Bar magic. His first video “The Bottom Deal (Or, the Second Best Thing I Do)” was just released by A1 Magicalmedia. He has also released several sets of lecture notes over the years.(5/11)

Charlie Sarnacki who performs his “Magic of Recycling” show for schools is featured in a Ledger-Enquirer article. According to the article, “This is the second year a magician from Timothy Wenk Magic of Stockbridge, Mass., has visited Columbus to promote recycling. The show won the 2001 National Recycling Coalition award for outstanding public education program. To read the May 10 article by Mark rice titled “Recycling tricks: Magician shows pupils how to convert old into new again” click: HERE.(5/11)

NEW JERSEY: Petrick and Mia lecture for SAM Assembly #161 on Monday May. 14 at 8pm at the Willows (1013 Washington Ave.) in Greenbrook. For more information click: HERE.(5/11)
VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,230 / Saturday – May 12, 2001
Melinda is pictured on a gondola ride with a few of her “Vegas Showboys” in the May 22 issue of The National Enquirer where the caption reads “Abracada-Bra: Magician Melinda is busting out in Las Vegas — she’s headlining her own extravaganza at the posh Venetian.(5/12)

Teller and his father Joe Teller will be at the Philadelphia Museum of Art gift shop on Sunday May 13 at 1pm where they will be reading from the book “When I’m Dead, All This Will Be Yours.” Teller told the Philadelphia Daily News it is, “Sort of a Mother’s Day with father.” To read the May 11 article by Damon C. Williams titled “For my next trick” click: HERE.(5/12)

Tom Durnin, Peter Kougasian, Chris Capehart, Todd Robbins, Jamy Ian Swiss, Dennis Kyriakos and Carl Mercurio appear at Monday Night Magic on May 14 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(5/12)

VOLUME: 41 / ISSUE: 1,231 / Sunday – May 13, 2001
The new edition of “Showgirls of Magic” at the San Remo in Las Vegas that was recently taken over by David Saxe (Melinda’s brother) is reviewed in the Las Vegas Sun. The review stated that “Theresa Marie King is the only showgirl holdover and there are now four comely, talented showgirl magicians with newcomers Jennifer Knorr, Melania De Los Santos and Inna Bashia. The magic is greatly improved overall…” also on the show are Nathan Burton and Sarah which are described as, “…a class magic act with copious theater and television credits worldwide. Burton and Sarah are featured in two scenes and score heavily in both.” Also in the cast is Antonio Hoyas. To read the May 11 review by Joe Delaney titled “Revamped ‘Showgirls’ at San Remo is an improvement” click: HERE.(5/13)

Paul Arthur and Terry Magelssen appear in “Believe the Impossible – An Evening of Illusion Beyond the Limits of Reality” for the American Cancer Society on May 15 at 7:30pm at the O’Hara Theatre (9001 James A. Reed Road) in Kansas City, MO. Tickets are $6 to $12 per person and are available by phoning: 816-353-5943.(5/13)

Des Callaghan and his daughter Emma won magic competitions at The International Brotherhood of Magicians’ Irish Ring 85 annual convention in Bangor. According to a Belfast News Letter article Des explained that, “It’s very hard to get recognised in the magician world in Northern Ireland although the interest here is growing. …Despite the difficulty, I’ll never give it up. If I was stranded on a desert island, I’d make up a trick with the coconuts.” To read the May 12 story titled “Magical mystery at prize-giving” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(5/13)

IOWA: The 5th Deaf Magicians Festival, sponsored by the Society of American-Canadian Deaf Magicians, takes place on May 16-19 at the Best Western Longbranch Hotel (90 Twixt Town Road NE) in Cedar Rapids. The event will feature an All-Star Magic Show on the 18th featuring Ardran James, Duane Laflin, and Matthew Morgan. For More information click: HERE.(5/13)

NEW JERSEY: Paul Cummins lectures on Wednesday May 16 at 8pm for JMMRT at the V.F.W. (Pennsylvania Railroad Ave., two blocks from the NJ Transit – Linden train station) in Linden, New Jersey. Cost to non-members is $12. For more information phone Carl Bajor at: 732-541-1549 or click: HERE.(5/13)
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