MT: March 12-18, 2001

VOLUME: 39 / ISSUE: 1,169 / Monday – March 12, 2001
Teller’s book “When I’m Dead All This Will Be Yours!” is reviewed by Patrick Watson in the Toronto Globe and Mail. Watson surmises, “This is a personal memoir based on the revelations of one visit home. It is richly illustrated both with the parents’ drawings and paintings (in colour and black and white), with quotations from Joe’s amazing letters home during the Depression and with conversational tidbits from both Mam and Pad. It is, in this reviewer’s judgment, not to be missed.” To read the Mar. 10 review by Patrick Watson titled “Portrait of the artists as an old couple, still in love” click: HERE.(3/12)
— Buy the book from Amazon for $19.96 by clicking: HERE.

A story about magic websites in The Jerusalem Post concentrates on the ones which teach and demonstrate magic. Also includes some links to odd sites about optical illusions and puzzles. To read the Mar. 11 story by David Shamah titled “This magic moment” click: HERE.(3/12)
VOLUME: 39 / ISSUE: 1,170 / Tuesday – March 13, 2001
David Copperfield’s Unknown Dimension, which appeared at the Robinson Center Music Hall on Sunday, is reviewed in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. The show is described as, “For 90 minutes, Copperfield performed one mystifying and seamless how-did-he-do-that feat after another — levitating two guys and a couch, making his legs separate from his body and actually getting laughs out of a Monica Lewinsky/Bill Clinton joke.” Also mentioned is the change in style he has been developing for the past few years, “Copperfield is also one to incorporate light sexual innuendo into just about everything, so there might be some things to explain to the kiddies in the car on the way home.” To read the Mar. 12 story by Jennifer Christman titled “Copperfield wows crowd at Robinson with illusions” click: HERE.(3/13)

Lance Burton is scheduled to have a live web chat on Thursday Mar. 15 at 7pm ET on Yahoo! Chat. To visit, signup and chat click: HERE.(3/13)

The Pendragons will be appearing in Lancaster, PA on Mar. 20 and the Sunday News ran a story recounting their many awards and accomplishments. To read the Mar. 11 story titled “Don’t believe your eyes” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(3/13)

INDIANA: Rick Fisher lectures for IBM Ring #342 at the Mishawaaka/Penn Library in Mishawaka on Thursday Mar. 15 at 7:30pm. Cost is $5 per person. For more information e-mail Walter Reimer at:
VOLUME: 39 / ISSUE: 1,171 / Wednesday – March 14, 2001
Pamela Buckley who is the first female of the Birmingham-based British Magical Society is featured in the Evening Mail where she said, “I’ve had a tremendous year and hope I’ve encouraged more women to join the society because we are always looking for more members.” To read the Mar. 10 story titled “Now that’s magic!” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(3/14)

OHIO: The 29th Annual Glass City Magic Conclave in Perrysburg (Toledo) takes place at the French Quarters Hotel on Mar. 16-17. Featured performers include Tom Mullica, Michael Finney, David Acer, Aldo Colombini, B.J. Hickman, Owen & Linda Redwine, Chris Lynn, Danny Cole, and Sean Bogunia. Registration is $50-$70 per person. For more information phone 419-478-8781 or click: HERE.(3/14)
VOLUME: 39 / ISSUE: 1,172 / Thursday – March 15, 2001
Prof. S. P. Nagendra Prasad who made a woman balance on a large cigarette stump in an effort to have people stop smoking is featured in a Deccan Herald story. Prof explained the symbolism, “The girl indicates health, which is beautiful and delicate. The stump is nothing but a cigarette, which makes one’s life precarious. So, do not smoke and bring an early end to your life.” He also produced a skeleton and illustrated a story about addiction through the use of a deck of cards. To read the Mar. 10 story titled “Mesmerising smokers to kick the habit” click: HERE.(3/15)

Phil and Evelyn Matlin who own Perfect Magic in Montreal are part of a Montreal Gazette feature about their neighborhood. We find out that Matlin opened the shop in 1979 after selling a wholesale fruit-and-vegetable business he inherited from his father. To read the Mar. 14 story by Mike Boone titled “Old neighbourhood, new faces” click: HERE.(3/15)
VOLUME: 39 / ISSUE: 1,173 / Friday – March 16, 2001
NEW JERSEY: The Pendragons have just been added to the lineup for Magic Funday, as a late-night lecture which will follow the evening show on Sunday Mar. 18 at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Somerset. The day’s events include three lectures, a close-up contest, an auction, many exhibitors and a full stage show. Featured performers are: Rocco, Jay Scott Berry, Howard Mincone, Jay Mattioli, and Randy St. James. Cost is $40 for the entire day. For more information and directions click: HERE.(3/16)

Dylan Ace who will be appearing on Lance Burton’s On The Road TV special on Mar. 31 is featured in a Miami Herald article which recounts his career so far. Ace is quoted, “I hope to someday have my own magic show, but until then, I will continue to practice wherever and whenever I can.” To read the Mar. 15 story by Jenna Silver titled “Kendall native floating on air after call from famous magician” click: HERE.(3/16)

Martin Meckamali plans on spending 10 days in an underground snake pit full of scorpions and venomous snakes. According to a story in The Hindu his diet for the 10 days will be only water. The stunt, which will begin on Mar. 17, takes place at the Lions Expo at the Putharikandam grounds in India. Proceeds from the event will be donated to the Gujarat Quake Relief Fund. To read the Mar. 15 story titled “Snake show” click: HERE.(3/16)

Lance Burton’s Young Magician’s Showcase is described as being like a “School for Harry Potter Young Wizards” in the company’s press release. To read the Mar. 15 press release click: HERE.(3/16)
VOLUME: 39 / ISSUE: 1,174 / Saturday – March 17, 2001
Jason Reberski who will be appearing on Lance Burton’s “Young Magicians Showcase” is featured in a Chicago Sun Times story whish quotes him, “I was so excited when I got the letter from Lance’s show telling me I had been selected to appear on the television special… Then he personally called me. We talked for a good half-hour. It was so unbelievable.” Lance Burton is also quoted in the article about the making of the show, “Watching all these talented and dedicated kids really reminded me of why I got into magic in the first place… and how lucky I am to make a living doing magic, doing what I dreamed of when I was a kid.” To read the Mar. 16 story by Miriam DiNunzio titled “Berwyn teen makes TV magic” click: HERE.(3/17)

Randall Richman who was arrested for drunk driving asserts that he was not drunk but was returning from a fire-eating class he was giving at the Magic Castle. According to a Los Angeles Times story “That’s why the breath test showed his blood-alcohol level to be twice the legal driving limit of 0.08%.” The trial, which will begin on Apr. 12, is expected to include a fire-eating demonstration. To read the Mar. 16 story by Erika Hayasaki titled “Inflammatory Defense” click: HERE.(3/17)

Randall Richman’s fire eating/drunk driving case was picked up by the Associated Press and was used by many newspapers. To read the Court TV version of the Mar. 16 story titled “Magician accused of drunken driving claims he consumed fire not firewater” click: HERE.(3/17)

The Pendragons’ appearance at the Strand Theatre next Tuesday is covered in the York Magazine. To read the Mar. 16 story by Dan Fink titled “Best Bets Pendragons Perform Strand Illusion” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(3/17)

David Miller directed a one-act play titled “Illusion” at the Deer Valley High School theater in San Francisco. To read the Mar. 16, San Francisco Chronicle, story by Brigitte Cummings titled “Hot Dates Contra Costa” click: HERE.(3/17)

Bob Friedhoffer will be presenting his public outreach show titled “Revealing the Mysteries of Science & Magic” on Monday Mar. 19 at 6:30pm at the City University Graduate Center Auditorium (365 5th Avenue — 34th and 5th) in New York City. Admission is free.(3/17)

R.J. Lewis, Chris Capehart, Rocco, Jamy Ian Swiss, Peter Kougasian, Bob Elliott and Frank Brents appear at Monday Night Magic on Mar. 19 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(3/17)

VOLUME: 39 / ISSUE: 1,175 / Sunday – March 18, 2001
The Pendragons’ appearance in New Jersey is previewed in the Bergen Record where Charlotte explains their approach to magic, “You don’t want to do an hour and 15 minutes of just one note… That would definitely be boring. Part of putting a show together is trying to challenge people’s emotions at different levels. We try to make them laugh, make them cry, and make them feel passionate. …Our performances are personality-driven. We want people to feel like they’re in our living room.” To read the Mar. 16 preview by Jim McGuinness titled “Magic show featuring high drama, high comedy” click: HERE.(3/18)

The Pendragons’ appearance at the Strand in York nest Tuesday is previewed in the Intelligencer Journal where Charlotte is quoted, “Women are very mysterious and intuitive. A lot of women don’t take advantage of that. They don’t realize who they are as women… Women have more to offer.” To read the Mar. 16 story titled “Grand illusions Husband-and-wife team the Pendragons will make magic in Carlisle and York” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(3/18)

Jay Paul Mattioli’s appearance on “Lance Burton, Master Magician: Young Magicians Showcase” is covered in the Morning Call. To read the Mar. 16 story titled “KU student magician on Fox ‘Showcase'” click: HERE.(3/18)

Spencer Horsman who appears with his “dummy” Dexter on Lance Burton’s Young Magicians Showcase is mentioned in the Baltimore Sun. To read the Mar. 17 article titled “Local magician shares spotlight on Fox Family Today on TV” click: HERE.(3/18)

David Blaine partying at Sean “Puffy” Combs’ pre-verdict outing at the Lotus in NYC according to the New York Post. To read the Mar. 17 story by Chris Wilson titled “Pre-Verdict Partying Into Wee Hours” click: HERE.(3/18)

John Carney, Aldo Colombini, Handsome Jack, Bob Borgia, and Jason Tong appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Mar. 19-25. Rick Marcelli lectures on Sunday Mar. 25.(3/18)
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