MT: June 7-13, 1999

VOLUME: 18 / ISSUE: 525 / Monday – June 7, 1999
Special offer for MagicTimes readers: Phil Temple is offering a pre-publication discount of $20 off the full retail price of his new book: “Kellar — A Magician’s Tour — Revisited,” when the book is purchased before Jun. 30. The book which is scheduled to be released on August first will retail for $100. The hardcover book includes 20 full-color reproductions of Kellar posters. Every purchaser will also receive a special reproduction of the rare 56-page “Kellar’s Wonder Book,” only two original copies are known to exist. Both books can be yours for only $80 (plus $5 postage in US, $8 foreign) by ordering in June and mentioning MagicTimes. Send check or money order to: Phil Temple – P.O. Box 561 – Novato, CA 94948. For more information e-mail him at:

Adam Spigel, “Amazing Adam,” who performs at nightclubs and restaurants in South Florida is profiled in the May 30 issue of the Miami Herald. His advise to aspiring magicians, “Be serious about it and go to a magic shop — not the library — to get some books. Also, you have to love it; if you don’t love it then you shouldn’t do it. I really love it, and though I wasn’t really born with the talent, I was born with the passion.” To read the article click: HERE.(6/7)

NEW JERSEY: Petrick & Mia lecture on Wednesday Jun. 9 at 8pm for JMMRT at the V.F.W. (PA.RR Ave., two blocks from AMTRAK station) in Linden, New Jersey. For more information phone Al Hillman at: 732-257-3456.(6/7)

Goldfinger & Dove, John Carney, Joycee Beck, Brian Gillis, Chris Broughton, Chris Mitchell, Cyril, and Howard Jay appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Jun. 7-13. Greg Wilson lectures on Sunday Jun. 13.(6/7)

Irwin Royes “The World’s Smallest Magician” and Gotlieb Kogel an 80+ year old magician and nudist camp owner are scheduled to appear on The Daily Show on Tuesday Jun. 8 at 11pm ET on COM-TV (US-cable). The show will rerun on Wednesday Jun. 9 at 1:30am, 8:30am, noon, and 7pm ET.(6/7)

A French girl falls in love with a carnival magician in the 1953 movie “Lili” on Tuesday Jun. 8 at 6pm ET on TCM-TV (US-cable).(6/7)
VOLUME: 18 / ISSUE: 526 / Tuesday – June 8, 1999
The Theory and Art of Magic is a lecture series produced by Dr. Lawrence Hass for Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA which will run from Sep. 8 through Oct. 14. The featured performers/lecturers will be: Eugene Burger and Margaret Steele (Sep. 8), Lawrence Hass (Sep. 15), Darwin Ortiz (Sep. 22 and 23), Hiawatha (Sep. 29), Bob Fellows (Oct. 6), and Robert E. Neale (Oct. 13). All of the shows and lectures are open to the public for a small fee. For more information click: HERE.(6/8)

World’s Greatest Magic II starring Ayala & Lillia, Jason Byrne, Brett Daniels, Luis De Matos, Jeff Hobson, Amazing Jonathan, Mark Kalin & Ginger, Mac King, Rene Lavand, Max Maven, Jeff McBride, Melinda, Penn & Teller, and Rick Thomas reruns on Thursday Jun. 10 at 7pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(6/8)
VOLUME: 18 / ISSUE: 527 / Wednesday – June 9, 1999
Tickets to Ricky Jay & His 52 Assistants are now on sale at the Old Vic Theatre in London. The show will open on Jun. 22 and will run through July 17. The theater will seat 160 per show in tiered rows with tickets ranging from £45-£75. Tickets my be purchased at the box office or by phone by calling: 0171 494 5372. For groups call: 0171 404 5454.(6/9)

David Copperfield appears at Caesars in Atlantic City, NJ on Jun. 11-13.(6/9)
VOLUME: 18 / ISSUE: 528 / Thursday – June 10, 1999
Kenneth Klosterman, Glen Weissenberger, and Scott Meyer are suing the International Brotherhood of Magicians and some of its officers for more than one million dollars. The lawsuit alleges that the Defendants violated Ohio law in matters related to the election of officers and petitioning for candidacy process, and the inspection of the organization’s books and official records. Michael Santow, Legal Advisor for the I.B.M, has said in a statement about the case that, “This is indeed a shameful and unnecessary day in the history of a brotherhood of magicians.” For more details you can read the IBM’s press release by clicking: HERE.(6/10)

Lance Burton will once again go on the road with his live show. He is scheduled to appear at the Cerritos Center For The Performing Arts (12700 Center Court Dr., Cerritos, CA) on Mar. 17-19, 2000. Tickets will be available by phone or at the box office. In California phone: 800-300-4345, from everywhere else phone: 310-916-8500.(6/10)

History of Magic: Mystery in America featuring Houdini, Doug Henning, David Copperfield and Siegfried & Roy and many others on Friday Jun. 11 at 10:30pm, Jun. 12 at 2:30am, and Jun. 13 at 6:30pm ET on HIST-TV (US-cable).(6/10)
VOLUME: 18 / ISSUE: 529 / Friday – June 11, 1999
The Hollywood Day of Magic featuring Don Wayne, Allan Ackerman, Loren Christopher Michaels, Sophie Evans, and Tom Ogden takes place on Saturday Jun. 12 at the Watler Reed Middle School (4525 Irvine Avenue) in North Hollywood, CA. For more information phone: 310-57-4-MAGIC or click: HERE.(6/11)

Ted Carrother’s Magic Studio which has changed hands and is now called Michael Night’s Magic Studio has moved to 912 Phillips Ave., Toledo, Ohio 43612, 419-478-8781.(6/11)

OHIO: Daryl lectures in Toledo on Wednesday Jun. 16 at 8:30pm with a workshop at 6:30pm. The lecture will take place at the Masonic Temple (Building 910 Phillips Ave.). For more information phone Michael Night at: 419-478-8781 or e-mail:

Billy McComb appears on episode #17 of Penn & Teller’s Sin City Spectacular on Saturday Jun. 12 at 8pm ET on FX-TV (US-cable).(6/11)

Terror Train features a very young David Copperfield performing magic in this 1980 movie on Saturday Jun. 12 at 10am, and Thursday Jun. 17 at noon on FX-TV and Thursday Jun. 24 at 10pm ET on FXM-TV (US-cable).(6/11,18)

Alan Shaxon does magic in the “Mr. Bean Goes to Town” episode of Mr. Bean on Saturday Jun. 12 at 4:30pm and midnight and on Jun. 23 at 6pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(6/11,6/21)
VOLUME: 18 / ISSUE: 530 / Saturday – June 12, 1999
Larry Wilson who gave us “Madcap Magic” last year has finished the second installment titled “More Madcap Magic” for PAX-TV (US). The PAX network has been sitting on this show and has yet to air it. You might be able to do something about this. Write a letter (they do not pay attention to e-mail) to PAX telling them that you enjoyed “Madcap Magic” or heard about it and wanted to know when it would be on again. Write to: Bill Scott c/o PAXtv – 601 Clearwater Park Road – West Palm Beach, FL 33401. PAX is a new network. If a flood of mail comes in they will sit up and take notice. Feel free to copy this news item and e-mail it to as many people as you can.(6/12)

Tom Mullica will be presenting his full-evening Tribute to Red Skelton show on Jun. 13 and 14 at the Sebastiani Theatre (476 1st St E.) in Sanoma, CA. For more information phone: 707-996-9756.(6/12)

Mike Caveney and Tina Lenert’s home is featured on “America’s Homestyles: The Bungalow” on Saturday Jun. 12 at 5pm ET on HGTV (US-cable).(6/12)
VOLUME: 18 / ISSUE: 531 / Sunday – June 13, 1999
A fascinating tale about Simon Drake, England’s ‘bad boy of magic,’ and his new venue is unveiled in the Jun. 7 issue of This Is London. “The first public party, last month, was a strange, 50-50 split between media sweeties and hard-core fake-blood-thirsty goths. A few of the laydeez approached him afterwards to ask whether he was really into bondage, or whether it was just part of the act.” “It’s a lark, though – a ton better than stand-up comedy, frankly, and, Drake’s manic overuse of a smoke machine notwithstanding, nothing like as tacky as a themed night might sound.” To read Zoe Williams’ article click: HERE.(6/13)

SOUTH CAROLINA: Alain Nu will perform and lecture for IBM Ring #234 in Charleston on Jun. 14-15. The lecture takes place on Jun. 14 at the Charleston Rifle Club at 7:30pm and the show which has already sold out takes place at Rabin’s on Jun. 15. For more information click: HERE.(6/13)

Fred Andersen, Jamy Ian Swiss, and Jeff Moche appear at Monday Night Magic on Jun. 14 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(6/13)

Rudy Coby: The Coolest Magician on Earth, his first TV special, reruns on Monday Jun. 14 at 6pm on FAM-TV (US-cable).(6/13)
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