MT: May 10-16, 1999

VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 497 / Monday – May 10, 1999
Joel Bauer, Karen Beres, Harrison Carrol, Bob Garner, Bill Goldman, Bob Kohler, David Levitan, Charles McFarland, David Magee, Lisa Menna, Danny Orleans, Mark Phillips, and jugglers Johnathan Parks, and Scott Meltzer perform at NetWorld+Interop, the largest computer Networking Trade Show in the United States, on May 11-13 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. More than 150,000 computer networking professionals are expected to attend and see more magic than can be found at most magic conventions.(5/10)

A Magician’s Tour – Revisited is a new book about Kellar by Phil Temple. It will make its debut in July. This weekend at the Collector’s Get-together in Chicago, pre-publication offers and the companion piece, The Keller Wonder Book will be available. For more information you can e-mail Temple at:, 5/21)

Christopher Hart, Mr. Mysto, Paul Feig, Jesse Dee, Luciano Scala, Lee Bayless, Andrew Goldenhersh, and Joshua Seth appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on May 10-16. J. Paul Moore lectures on Sunday May 16.(5/10)

TEXAS, OK, LA: Rafael Benatar lectures in the US during May. You can catch him in Austin, TX (11), Real Grand Valley, TX (12), Houston, TX (13), Tulsa, OK (14), Dallas, TX (16), New Orleans, LA (17), and Baton Rouge, LA (18). For more information about these lectures you can e-mail Bob Karlebach at:
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 498 / Tuesday – May 11, 1999
Chan Canasta who was featured in the April issue of MAGIC died at the age of 79 (around Apr. 22). An expert at what he termed “psycho-magic” he opened up many doors for mentalists when he was a popular TV performer during the 50s and 60s in the US and UK. Canasta liked to take chances and described what he does as, “not a question of skill in the hands, but rather of mental gymnastics…Failure makes the successes more exciting.” He was born Chananel Mifelew on Jan. 9, 1920 in Krakow, Poland and appeared in more than 345 television shows including, Ed Sullivan, Jack Parr, Steve Allen, as well as his own specials. He was involved in gambling and was a regular at such casinos as Aspinall’s, the Clermont, Les Ambassadeurs and Milroys in London. In the early 60s he advised the Mayfair casino on how to change the rules to their games so they conformed to the “fair chance” regulations of the new Gaming Act.(5/11)

Jon Stetson, Alexander, Mike Bent, Steve Kradolfer, and David Oliver appear in “Magicians & Spirits” at The Green Street Grill in Cambridge, MA on Tuesday May 11. Show starts at 10pm, bar magic at 9pm. All seats $10. For more info phone: 617-876-1655.(5/11)

Great Magic of Las Vegas featuring Kevin James on Thursday May 13 at 8pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(5/11)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 499 / Wednesday – May 12, 1999
The May 14 issue of Entertainment Weekly features an article about the popularity of magic titled HOCUS-FOCUS. It talks about the Magic Castle and how celebrities continue come and enjoy themselves and how magic is, “…attracting a new generation of Hollywood-ites whose devotion to the top-hat-and-cape craft may help establish magic as the next “lounge.” Siegfried & Roy, David Copperfield, Stan Allen, David Blaine, Ricky Jay, Doug Henning, and Gary Ouellet are also mentioned in addition to some news about upcoming movies and shows which center around magic. To read the article by Jessica Shaw click: HERE.(5/12)

Penn & Teller perform at the Hollywood Theatre, at the M.G.M. Grand in Las Vegas from May 13 through the 26th.(5/12)

Marshall Silver, Howard Posner, and The Passing Zone appear on Donny & Marie from Las Vegas on Thursday May 13 at 9am ET on FOX-TV (US). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(5/12)

Lance Burton, Omar Pasha and Mark Kalin discuss the secrets of magic on the “Hidden Secrets of Magic” on Thursday May 13 at 7pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(5/12)

Harry Anderson appears on the “Sam at Eleven” episode of Cheers on Friday May 14 at 12am ET on WPIX-TV (US). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(5/12)

Jerry Lewis stars as a magician who stumbles from one chaotic situation to the next when he joins a U.S.O. tour in the 1958 movie, “The Geisha Boy,” on Thursday May 13 at 4pm ET on AMC-TV (US-cable).(5/12)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 500 / Thursday – May 13, 1999
Meir Yedid Muses #58 features exclusive news about Marc Salem’s upcoming TV and live shows, Doug Henning’s “The Magic Show” on CD, the release of two Jay Sankey videos, the re-release of Meir Yedid’s Twist And Shout, a quote by Stephen Schwartz and much more. To visit Magic Show, the web’s leading magic magazine, where Meir Yedid’s column has regularly appeared for more than three years click: HERE.(5/13)

Frank Lewis, past president of IBM Ring #26 passed away. The broken wand ceremony and memorial service will be on Sunday May 16 at 1:30pm at St. Claire’s Hospital Chapel at West 51st Street with a reception to follow at 410 W. 45th Street.(5/13)

Abb Dickson’s father, Pope Dickson, passed away on Sunday May 9. He was 80 years old. The funeral was held on May 12 in Jonesboro, GA. Donations can be made to the I.B.M. Endowment Fund. We wish Abb the best. You can e-mail Abb at: (5/13)

“Jedlie’s Totally Interactive Magic Circus!” is a family show which travels throughout the East Coast doing mostly school shows. If they appear in your area you may want to e-mail Jed Doherty at: about the possibility of attending one of the shows. In May they will be in: St. Albans, VT (May 13), Tenafly, NJ (14), Holyoke, MA (17-21), Camden, NJ (24), White Plains, NY (25-26), and Hyde Park, MA (28).(5/13)

SOUTH CAROLINA: John Tudor will be performing his full evening show for IBM Ring #234’s Annual Induction Dinner and Show on Saturday May 15 at 8pm in Charleston. For more information click: HERE.(5/13)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 501 / Friday – May 14, 1999
Daryl, Aldo Colombini, Johnny Ace Palmer, Mitch Williams, Jamal Keyes & Tiffany, Bob Bloenk, Gene Anderson, Dave Mitchell, Scott Flom, Norm Barnhart, The Flom Kids, and Mia Barnhart appear at the “K.C. Clambake ’99” on May 14-16 in Kansas City, MO. For more information visit their website by clicking: HERE.(5/14)

WISCONSIN: IBM Ring #31 presents a “Night of Magic” as a fundraiser on Sunday May 16 at 7pm at Park Ponderosa in McFarland. Tickets are $5 for the show, $15 including dinner and are available by phoning 608-838-9927. For more information e-mail:

OHIO: Youngstown IBM Ring #2’s Annual Close-Up Public Show takes place on Sunday May 16 at the Holiday Inn Metroplex off of I-80 in Youngstown. For more information e-mail Tom Craven at:

A very young David Copperfield appears and performs magic in the 1980 movie “Terror Train” on Sunday May 16 at noon ET on FX-TV (US-cable).(5/14)

“Marc Salem’s Mysterious, Wonderful World of the Mind” is Salem’s first TV special, based on his award winning off-Broadway show Mind Games and featuring segments with Joan Rivers, Michael Strahan, and Olivia Goldsmith airs on Saturday May 15 at 9pm on PAX-TV (US). For more information click: HERE.(5/14)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 502 / Saturday – May 15, 1999
K. Lal and Jr. Lal, performed their two-and-a-half hour magic and illusion show, “Mayajaal,” at Kalaivanar Arangam, in Chennai, India where the father-son due were a big hit. The show was described as “…a slick and literally spellbinding act. …There was not a dull moment. …What was really amazing, however, was the speed at which the magicians changed costumes, especially the 75-year-old Sr. Lal. The neon lights, trendy (and sometimes too loud) music and bright costumes accentuated the overall effect on stage. In this age of computer-generated spectacles, the magician duo have reaffirmed the faith that traditional magic shows still continue to amaze, enthrall and entertain audiences throughout the world.” To read the review of the show by Savitha Padmanabhan which appeared in The Hindu, India’s National Newspaper, on May 14 click: HERE.(5/15)

Sharon Stone is rumored to play a woman who is accidentally sawed in half by a magician in Woody Allen’s next movie, “Picking Up the Pieces.”(5/15)

NEW YORK: Gaetan Bloom will be making his only New York area appearance on Monday May 17 at 7:30pm at the Magic Shop (940 South Broadway in Hicksville, Long Island) where he will give his unbelievable lecture. Admission will be $10 per person. For more information phone: 516-822-5074 and ask for Billy.(5/15)

NEW YORK: Torkova, Peter White and Harvey Berg entertain at the Al Baker SAM Assembly #35’s Dinner and Magic Show on Sunday May 16 at the Park Avenue Cafe (17 Route 376 and 52, East Fishkill, NY). Show starts at 7pm with cocktails and dinner beginning at 5pm. For more information click: HERE.(5/15)

Steve Cuiffo is profiled on CBS News Saturday Morning on Saturday May 15 at 9am ET on CBS-TV (US).(5/15)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 503 / Sunday – May 16, 1999
Allan Ackerman, Jerry Andrus, Paul Cummins, Wesley James, Dan MacMillan, and David Solomon have been booked for the Onyx Convention on Sep. 24-26 at the Sheraton in Colorado Springs. For more information e-mail Ken Simmons at:

R.J. Lewis, Michael Chaut, Norman Barrett, Rich Marotta, and David Kaye appear at Monday Night Magic on May 17 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(5/16)

Children help an old magician regain his self-confidence in “The Magic Is Believing” episode of Shining Time Station on Monday May 17 at 9am ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(5/16)
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