MT: November 9-15, 1998

VOLUME: 11 / ISSUE: 315 / Monday – November 9, 1998
TNT threw a Hollywood premiere last week to screen the new “Houdini” movie. The viewing was held at Disney’s El Capitan theater and later moved to the Magic Castle for a reception. Houdini will premiere on TNT-TV on Sunday Dec. 6 at 8pm ET. A review of the movie is scheduled in the next “Meir Yedid Muses.” To read Greg Baerg’s report on the premiere in “UltimateTV News” click: HERE.(11/9)

Gazzo, Jon Stetson, David Oliver, Steve Kradolfer, and Marcelo Contento appear in “Magicians & Spirits” at The Green Street Grill in Cambridge, MA on Tuesday Nov. 10. Show starts at 10pm, bar magic at 9pm. All seats $10. For more info phone: 617-876-1655.(11/9)

R. Paul Wilson, Doc Eason, Jim Warren, Robert Baxt, Rich Bloch, Charles & Bobbi Peters, Yonkany & Anabel, and Blake Maxam appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Nov. 9-15. Doc Eason lectures on Sunday Nov. 15.(11/9)

Penn Jillette on “Politically Incorrect” on Tuesday Nov. 10 at 12:36am ET on ABC-TV (US).(11/9)
VOLUME: 11 / ISSUE: 316 / Tuesday – November 10, 1998
Dulldini sues the agents who refused to pay him on “People’s Court.” The show is scheduled to air on Wednesday Nov. 11. Dulldini is expected to perform a silent cigarette routine. This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and stations depending on where you live. In NYC it is scheduled for 4pm on NBC-TV.(11/10)

Jerry Lewis stars as a magician who stumbles from one chaotic situation to the next when he joins a U.S.O. tour in the 1958 movie, “The Geisha Boy,” on Wednesday Nov. 11 at 4pm ET on MAX2-TV (US-cable).(11/10)

Lance Burton has signed to tape his next television special which should be airing next spring.(11/10)
VOLUME: 11 / ISSUE: 317 / Wednesday – November 11, 1998
Johnny and Pam Thompson, “The Great Tomsoni & Co.,” will be honored as the S.A.M. Parent Assembly #1’s Magicians of the Year for 1999. The honor will be awarded on April 17, 1999 as part of the annual “Salute to Magic” show. The show will be held at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center in NYC. For tickets and information phone Ted Lee at: 914-949-0372.(11/11)

The New York University Magic Club honors Dai Vernon in its second episode of the “Great Magicians Series.” Club members and some of Vernon’s friends are scheduled to perform on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 6:30pm at the Edger Bronfman Center at NYU in NYC. The event is open to the NYU community and invited guests only. For more info e-mail:

Franz Harary on the “Oak Ridge Boys Live from Las Vegas” on Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 8pm and Wednesday Nov. 11 at 2am ET on TNN-TV (US-cable).(11/11)

Lance Burton on “Politically Incorrect” on Thursday Nov. 12 at 12:36am ET on ABC-TV (US).(11/11)
VOLUME: 11 / ISSUE: 318 / Thursday – November 12, 1998
The hysterical Chip Lowell stars in “The ChiP ShoW!” at The Curtis Theatre in Brea, CA on Nov. 13-14. The show features fun-filled vaudeville arts, stand-up, high-energy dance and bizarre magic & illusions. Chip received “Best Specialty Act of the Year” honors in Lake Tahoe during his run in Tony Clark’s “Phantasy” show, and the L.A. Times called him, “A shameless crowd-pleaser!” For tickets phone: 714-990-7722. (11/12)

24th Annual Atlanta Harvest of Magic scheduled for Nov.13-14. This year’s performers include: Tom Craven, BJ Hickman, Dan Fleshman, and Jeff McBride. Convention being held at the N.E. Hilton, on Peachtree Industrial Blvd. in Norcross, GA. For registration and information phone: Diane Maney at 770-487-2598.(11/12)

Rafael Benatar performs at La Cripta Mágica 2, in Madrid, Spain on Friday Nov. 13 and Saturday Nov. 14 with two shows per day at 10pm and 1am. For reservations phone: 915399696.(11/12)

Larry Wilson hosts “Madcap Magic” which features, Ed Alonzo, Joaquin Ayala, Bob Borgia, Michael Grasso, Christopher Hart, Mark Kalin, Amos Levkovitch, The Pendragons, Jim Piper, and Sylvester The Jester. The show airs on Friday Nov. 13 at 9pm ET on PAX-TV (US). There also seems to be a promise to teach magic on the show. For more info click: HERE.(11/12)

“Magic Moments” is a 1989 movie starring John Shea as a famous magician who sweeps his TV producer off her feet in the show which he plans to be burned at the stake. Thursday Nov. 12 at 10am ET on ROMCL-TV (US-cable).(11/12)
VOLUME: 11 / ISSUE: 319 / Friday – November 13, 1998
Toby Travis appears in “Illusion & Beyond” on Saturday Nov. 14 at 7pm at the Cinnaminson High School in Cinnaminson, NJ. For tickets phone: 877-768-8000 or buy from

Marc DeSouza lecturing at S.A.M. Assembly #141’s Flea Market in Columbia, MD on Saturday Nov. 14. Doors open at 9:30am with the lecture at 1pm. For more info e-mail Wayne Miller at:

Penn & Teller perform on a rerun of the “Aspen Comedy Festival” on Saturday Nov. 14 at 8pm ET on Comedy Central (US-cable).(11/13)
VOLUME: 11 / ISSUE: 320 / Saturday – November 14, 1998
Tony Spina and Tannen’s magic shop spotlighted in the Friday Nov. 13 edition of the “New York Daily News.” Written by Bill Bell, “Presto! A Magical Life” traced Spina’s life from a child in Harlem to a stock boy at Tannen’s and finally the owner of one of the largest magic companies. There are several inaccuracies in the story the most important is that of Irving Tannen being dead – Irving is actually doing fine and living in Florida. The article also features a photo of Spina and teaches a trick. To read the story click: HERE.(11/14)

One of the more popular columns in the old version of MagicTimes was Terry Parrett’s “The Weekend Warrior.” Starting this week, the monthly column, starts appearing in Richard Robinson’s “Magic Show.” To read this months installment click: HERE.(11/14)

The Great Tomsoni, Todd Robbins, Bill Maher, John Tworney, Wendie Malick, David Cassidy, and Meredith Brooks. appear on a rerun of “Penn and Teller’s Sin City Spectacular” on Sunday Nov. 15 at 10pm and will be repeated on Monday Nov. 16 at 9pm ET on FX-TV (US-cable).(11/14)

“Secrets Revealed” exposes how to saw a woman in half on Sunday Nov. 15 at 8pm and 11pm ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(11/14)
VOLUME: 11 / ISSUE: 321 / Sunday – November 15, 1998
Tom Mullica filled in for Jeff Hobson (whose wife was having their third baby) at Milt Larsen’s annual “It’s Magic” in Glendale, CA. on Nov. 5-7. By all reports this years show is being hailed as one of the best ever. Headlining the show were: Mark Kalin & Jinger, Jeff McBride, Mystina, Terry Seabrooke, Fraquhar & Felicity, and Mullica.(11/15)

Torkova, Jeff Moche, and Rocco appear at Monday Night Magic on Nov. 16 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(11/15)
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