MT: January 15-21, 2001

VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,113 / Monday – January 15, 2001
Dale Salwak’s 11th annual Stars of Magic show is previewed in a Los Angeles Times article. This year’s show at the Orange Coast College’s Robert B. Moore Theatre features The Majestix, Randy Pryor, Dario Vazquez, Lee Bayless, and Dale Salwak. Salwak described the show as “…an elegant, enchanting evening of the best of magic. Kind of a potpourri of different kinds.” The story also includes an interview with The Majestix and Salwak. To read the Jan. 12 story by Young Chang titled “Magic at the Moore” click: HERE.(1/15)

Bill Goodwin, Joe Monti, Dana Daniels, David Avadon, Gerry Katzman, Craig Dickens, and Bob Stone appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Jan. 15-21. Carl Andrews, Jr. lectures on Sunday Jan. 21.(1/15)

Tom Durnin, Chris McDaniel, Rich Marotta, Simon Lovell, BobDennis, Frank Brents appear at Monday Night Magic on Jan. 15 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(1/15)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,114 / Tuesday – January 16, 2001
Siegfried & Roy will be holding a news conference on January 29th where a Las Vegas Review-Journal article speculates they could announce that they signed with the MGM-Mirage “…a lifetime contract similar to what George Burns had at Caesars Palace.” Although sources close to Siegfried & Roy told MagicTimes that it is more likely to be a 5-year “deal they couldn’t refuse” which will have them performing for only three days per week. The article concludes, “The German-born duo’s animal-magic act has been a mega-hit for 30 years. To read the Jan. 15 story by Norm titled “Siegfried & Roy may be set for life with MGM-Mirage” click: HERE.(1/16)

Charles Cameron who died last week is remembered in the Evening News where he is called, “…one of Edinburgh’s most colourful characters – the man behind the city’s wax museum, a world-class magician and one of Britain’s most respected occult authorities.” There is also a pretty thorough biography and list of accomplishments. To read the Jan. 12 obituary titled “Farewell to the magic Godfather” supplied by YellowBrix and Infoseek click: HERE.(1/16)

A Mail on Sunday article about posters mentions the sale of the Houdini poster which sold for £35,259 last year even though it had an estimate of 12,000-14,000. To read the Jan. 14 story titled “Stick to posters for fine art on the cheap” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(1/16)

All Magic and the Conjuring Cabaret are among the magic sites mentioned in a Malay Mail article on surfing the web for magic. To read the Jan. 15 story by Eddie Chua titled “Sites of the day: .Com Sites of the Day: ‘Magic Sites’ to explore” click: HERE.(1/16)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,115 / Wednesday – January 17, 2001
David Copperfield will be taping most of his next TV special, which is scheduled to air on Apr. 3 on CBS-TV, at the Mid-South Coliseum (996 Early Maxwell Blvd.) in Memphis, TN during two live performances. Copperfield has been pre-taping shows at the Coliseum on Jan. 11-17 from 9:30am to 7pm with smaller audiences. The two main shows will be on Saturday Jan. 20 at 6:30-11pm and on Sunday Jan. 21 at 3-7:30pm. Audience members may receive gifts and prizes from Copperfield. Free tickets are still available for both shows directly from the South Entrance of the Coliseum daily through Friday from noon – 6pm or by phoning: 901-722-7932. To find out more click: HERE.(1/17)

Paul Gertner’s upcoming performance at the Inauguration ceremonies for President-elect George Bush is reported in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette where he said he is planning “…a trick using a ballot card, in which holes and chads will appear, disappear and move around.” To read the Jan. 16 article by Adrian McCoy titled “Nothing Up His Sleeve” click: HERE.(1/17)

Mac King is the feature of a UPI story which describes him as “…the favorite Las Vegas magician among other Las Vegas magicians is.” To read the Jan. 16 story by Joe Bob Briggs titled “The Vegas Guy: Mac King” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(1/17)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,116 / Thursday – January 18, 2001
Twenty close-up magicians will be performing at three different inaugural parties on Thursday the 18th. Coordinated by David Sandy and Michael Ammar the shows will be held at the Washington Hilton, Union Station, and the National Building Museum. The all-star cast of performers includes Paul Gertner, Charles Greene III, Alain Nu, Daryl, Marc DeSouza, Dan Garrett, Michael Finney, Giovanni, Darwin Ortiz, Steve Bedwell, Eric Henning, and …Go to full story.(1/18)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,117 / Friday – January 19, 2001
SOUTH CAROLINA: The 6th Annual South Carolina Association of Magicians Convention (SCAM) takes place on Jan. 19-20 at the Holiday Inn Coliseum in Columbia. The lineup includes: Marvyn & Carol Roy, Jay Sankey, Chad Long, Lee Asher, Kevin Dunn, Mark Merchant, Ed Dunhill, Charles Pecor, Woody Landers, Paul Sponagle, The Flying Fettucini Brothers, Aaron Radatz, and John Tudor. Festivities include non-magician alternative events as well as contests, parties and special shows. For more information click: HERE.(1/19)

The winners at the 24th World Magic Seminar were: Cyril from Japan won first place and the Siegfried & Roy Lions Head Award, Veronique from Switzerland won second place and the SARMOTI Award, and Luce from France took third place. The Teenage Stage Contest was won by Phillip Kaiser from Columbus, OH. The teenage award was presented by Lance Burton. The rest of the awards were presented by Lynette Chapel and Bernie Yuman who were there in place of Siegfried & Roy. Carl Ballentine was the guest of honor.(1/19)

Siegfried & Roy missed five shows this weekend because Siegfried had a bad flu. To read the Jan. 16 story by Kate Maddox titled “Columnist: Ailing Lewis forced to back out” click: HERE.(1/19)

“The Variety Show” features Michael Moschen at the Zellerbach Theater at Annenberg Center (3680 Walnut St.) in Philadelphia, PA. Shows are on Friday Jan. 19 at 8pm and Saturday at 2pm and 8pm.Tickets are $26-33 and are available by phoning: 215-898-3900.(1/19)

The Amazing Jonathan performs at the Brea Improv (945 E. Birch St.) in Brea, CA on Friday Jan. 19 at 8:30pm and 10:30pm and Saturday at 8pm and 10:30pm. Tickets are $15-17 and are available by phoning: 714-529-5823.(1/19)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,118 / Saturday – January 20, 2001
Eric Henning is the subject of a Baltimore Sun article which discusses his appearance at the pre-inaugural dinners held for President-elect George W. Bush on Thursday. He discusses how he got the job and some insight about close-up magic. He said that he “…sees the magical arts as more than entertainment. For a brief moment, in a magician’s performance, the audience becomes a community sharing the experience of wonder. … Magic alters your sense of reality, Henning says. Seen close up, it is a more human form of entertainment for a generation that grew up watching television, and for whom community might often be sought on a computer.” To read the Jan. 19 story by Lourdes Sullivan titled “Rocky Gorge man picked to appear, magically, at preinaugural dinners” click: HERE.(1/20)

Eric Henning’s appearance at the presidential inaugural party is featured in a Gazette article. Describing close-up magic he said, “Close-up magic is quite difficult since you are dealing with people directly… A lot happens right in the spectator’s hands and this is quite demanding and requires a lot of interpersonal skills.” To read the Jan. 18 story by Maishah English titled “Performing magic at the Inaugural” click: HERE.(1/20)

Kevin King and Tim Trono’s magic company “Reel Magic” who produced the Watch Bandit Video and Roger Klause’s Whisper has just been sold to Murphy’s Magic Supplies in Rancho Cordova, CA.(1/20)

CALIFORNIA: Whit Haydn lectures on Monday Jan. 22 at Mind Over Magic (2214 Burbank Blvd.) in Burbank. For more information phone: 818-562-1921.(1/20)
VOLUME: 37 / ISSUE: 1,119 / Sunday – January 21, 2001
Siegfried & Roy have produced a new book titled “Cooking in the Spotlight: Recipes from the Cast & Crew.” That’s right — it is a cook book featuring more than 250 recipes and is full of photos of Siegfried & Roy and their animals. Recipes include Osso Buco which is Siegfried’s favorite dish and Roy’s favorite dinner menu. All proceeds from the book will go to the Golden Rainbow which helps people with HIV and AIDS. To read the Jan. 17, Las Vegas Review-Journal story, by Heidi Knapp Rinella titled “Celebrity cookbook helps charity” click: HERE.
—You can purchase a copy of the book for $29.95 from the Mirage or by clicking: HERE.(1/21)

Paul Daniels is a contender to become the next rector of Dundee University in Scotland. Also in the running is former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell. A Scotsman article quoted a source at the university, “I believe Daniels and Halliwell have been approached by groups of students to see if they would like to stand as rector. …They both seem to have cult followings among the students, although for different reasons. To read the Jan. 20 story titled “Paul’s touch of magic in rector race” click: HERE.(1/21)

Penn & Teller are scheduled to appear in three national TV commercials promoting Pizza Hut.(1/21)

The third annual “An Evening of Magic” presented by the Northern Knights to benefit for the Viking Middle School Fine Arts Department was the subject of a Chicago Daily Herald story. To read the Jan. 17 article titled “Knights to present magic show” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(1/21)

Michael Chaut, Rich Marotta, Simon Lovell, Jamy Ian Swiss, Frank Brents, and Carl Mercurio appear at Monday Night Magic on Jan. 22 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(1/21)
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